Wednesday 1 January 2014

Cat and Eilir Day 12

Snap! Today we have mostly been making 'thank you' cards to fill the rainy day and to give Eilir regular screen breaks - some of them under protest (see photo)!

We picked some of our favourite photos of him and his brothers from 2013 (some used earlier for Grandad's card/frame), and played about with the limited captioning ability of my Linux notebook.  Eilir chose the thought clouds and the wording of the thoughts. We shared the cutting and sticking, putting one picture on the front of the card and a second inside.  I delegated the writing task to Eilir (he got the presents after all!).

Adeola and boys Day 12

Final challenge completed – thank you cards. Boys were very attentive to this one. Lo and Roti deigned the wrappers and coloured-in and Lo did the writing on the inside. I was in charge of the cello-tape. Today was supposed to be their “no screen” day as Lo went to bed with a headache last night. The activity was very welcomed. Boys wanted to go cycling but it was raining too much for me to feel like going out. They pulled some weeds out from the garden before getting soaked and have been trying to occupy themselves without television/playstation3/computer. Hyper mad boy energy! They’ve done really well though. Movie and popcorn tonight? (just kidding)!

Happy New Year J